Friday, 10 September 2010

An article from celebitchy

Sep 10 '10
Enquirer: Jim Parsons is gay, and he just proposed to his boyfriend
**Note: The dude behind Jim Parsons in these photos might be his alleged boyfriend/fiancé Todd Spiewak, but I don’t know. These are the best we can do with the photos we have.

Who knew that Jim Parsons was gay? I sure didn’t. Then again, I never really thought about it - I don’t watch that show The Big Bang Theory, so my only exposure to Parsons has been in little Entertainment Tonight interview snippets and such. He comes across as a very strange, sweet little bird, and I thought his oddness placed him firmly on Team Vagina-Lover. Isn’t that always the case? The Gays get all of the suave, great-looking dudes with awesome bodies, and Team Vadge gets the weird, quirky, skinny boys that look like baby ducklings. Anyway, welcome to The Gays, Jim! Here’s your Mojito.

According to the Enquirer, Parsons is not only gay, but he’s in a secret (not so much) committed relationship with a dude named Todd Spiewak. The Enquirer’s sources say that Parsons was so thrilled with his Emmy win a few weeks ago, he dropped to his knees (wait for it) and proposed! Yay!
Jim Parsons walked off with two fantastic prizes the very same night - an Emmy and a husband! The 37-year-old star celebrated his victory by proposing to longtime boyfriend Todd Spiewak - and now they are planning a Christmastime trip to Massachusetts where they’ll tie the knot, say insiders.
“After he got his award, he told Todd the only thing that would make him happier is if they got married - and Todd quickly said yes,” a close pal of the couple told The Enquirer.
Jim and 33-year-old Todd, an art director, began dating three years ago and moved into an LA house last year. The actor has never publicly come out of the closet, but he hasn’t attempted to hide the fact that he and Todd are a couple.
“Jim is very quiet about the relationship because he lives an extremely private like, but they’re very much in love,” said the pal.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition]
First: He’s 37 years old?!? Goodness. He looks about 15. Back on topic: if all of this is true (why not?), then congratulations to the happy couple! I don’t know if we should be talking about this if Jim hasn’t officially come out of the closet though - I can’t find any photos of Jim and Todd together, walking any kind of red carpet, or even some candid photos. Of course, are paparazzi really going to be staking out Jim and Todd’s house? No. And allegedly, Jim did bring Todd to the Emmys, and they sat beside each other and everything (video below), although they didn’t walk the red carpet. Hm. Oh well, we’ll never know for sure unless Jim confirms it. Queerty pointed out something hilarious though: Neil Patrick Harris, “de facto president of the gay mafia” is a big fan of Parsons. One more thing: Jim name-checked Todd in his Emmy speech:

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